Lawn Care: How to Maintain a Healthy Lawn

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As a homeowner, having a green, luscious, and healthy lawn is one of the best feelings in the world. However, lawn care can be tricky. Between over-watering and over-mowing, it can be hard to find the right balance for the perfect, healthy lawn. Creating the right strategy for how to tackle your lawn care is the best first step to maintaining a lawn. In this article, we will go over some of the easy ways you can take care of and maintain a healthy lawn all season long.

Lawn Care: How to Maintain a Healthy Lawn

  • Improve Soil Quality. Grass always grows best in a moist, fertile soil that has not been waterlogged. It is important to water your lawn, but you want to be careful of over-watering. Your grass requires a deep and healthy root system to properly grow, so it is important that you have roughly four inches of soil for the grass to grow.
  • Mowing. If you mow too much, it can be harmful for your grass. For good lawn care, you will want to mow high at approximately three inches and only remove 1/3 of a shoot at a time. Another great tip is to leave the lawn clippings on your grass. Lawn clippings work as a natural fertilizer.
  • Irrigation. Did you know your lawn can survive up to 6 weeks without adequate watering? Contrary to most people’s beliefs, your lawn does not need the sprinkler or irrigation system running daily. When you do water, it is important that you water deeply, about two and a half inches. A lawn care professional from your area can advise you about the best irrigation schedule for your property based on the climate, type of grass, etc.

Give us a call today if you have questions about your lawn care or would like to learn more about our services.

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